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The Lingering Storm

How Residual Anger Can Impact Decision Making and Work


Emotions are a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, and they play a significant role in shaping our thoughts, actions, and decisions. Anger is one of the most powerful and intense emotions we experience, and when it's not properly managed, it can have detrimental effects on various aspects of our lives.

In this blog post, we will explore how residual anger can affect decision-making and work performance.

We experience anger when the 'anger circuit' in our brain is stimulated. Anger is just a group of cells in our brain that have been triggered. It takes about 90 seconds for that circuit to settle down and the intensity of the trigger depends on many factors like our copying strategies, emotional resilience and personality.


Understanding Residual Anger

Residual anger refers to the lingering feelings of anger and frustration that persist long after the initial triggering event has occurred. It's like an emotional residue that clings to our psyche, affecting our mood, thoughts, and behavior even when we try to move on.


Impact on Decision Making

Impaired Judgment: One of the most significant ways residual anger affects decision-making is by impairing judgment. When we're still simmering with anger, our ability to think rationally and make sound decisions becomes compromised. We might make impulsive choices or respond emotionally rather than logically.

Tunnel Vision: Residual anger can create tunnel vision, where we become fixated on the source of our anger. This narrow focus can prevent us from considering alternative perspectives, solutions, or options, limiting the quality of our decisions.

Reduced Empathy: Anger often makes us less empathetic towards others, causing us to disregard their feelings and needs. This lack of empathy can lead to poor interpersonal decisions, such as conflicts with colleagues or strained relationships with team members.


Impact on Work

Decreased Productivity: When we carry residual anger into the workplace, it can manifest as reduced productivity. The negative emotions can distract us from our tasks, making it difficult to concentrate and complete assignments efficiently.

Impaired Communication: Anger can also hinder effective communication. Residual anger may cause us to be defensive, aggressive, or passive-aggressive in our interactions with colleagues or superiors, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.

The first step in managing residual anger is recognizing and acknowledging it. Regular self-assessment can help identify when anger lingers and begins to affect your decision-making and work.

Healthy Outlets: Find healthy ways to release pent-up anger. Exercise, meditation, and mindfulness techniques can help you manage your emotions effectively.

Terroma Blend "No Anger Zone" has been created to work on that residual effect of anger on our mind and body. Releasing the 'angry vibes' one breath at a time and promoting a lasting calming effect. 


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