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Reminder: Slow Down, Reflect and Embrace Autumn

Autumn Fall Chestnut

Autumn – time to slow down and embrace it.

Autumn has a strong pull for many of us. We are quicker to acknowledge and appreciate the changes in nature, which leads us to be particularly mindful. Autumn sets a beautiful example and calls us to find balance in finishing a season of busyness and finding rest before we start with new growth once again. 

For many of us it is the season when the blues start to cripple in. Autumn is believed to be a great time to let go. Releasing thoughts, patterns, behaviors or people that no longer serve you in a positive way. This process directly relates to the changes occurring in the natural world: leaves changing colors and falling, plants releasing seed and dying back, and a general sense of slowing down and settling in.


It is also a good time to seek balance, to celebrate and embrace the colder weather, the shorter day. This is a time for rest, renewal and sleep.  It is a time for planning for the future, planting seeds of ideas that will reemerge in the Springtime transformed and renewed by their time in the subconscious.  This is a time to turn the attention inwards, listening to the inner teacher of your heart, to your intuition. Young plants and trees will grow stronger over the winter as their roots grow deeper.  Autumn is a perfect time to connect your roots down into the ground and draw on some of that energy from the earth. 

Let’s not forget that this is also the season of harvesting. 

When we view ourselves as harvesting our blessings and generously outpouring them to others, we prepare ourselves for spiritual growth. This conditioning sets us up for continued giving and receiving in the coming months.

You can choose to contemplate or even meditate to some of the ideas mentioned above. Or you can spend a little time charting your own responses to the changing weather and shorter days. Maybe you will be surprised that autumn might just mean accomplishing more and being happier while doing it.


Here is a list of some autumn playlists:

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