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It's the time of the year to smell and pick up the roses!

Do you know it can take up to 4 tons of rose petals to make 1 kg of rose oil?

Bulgarian Rosa Damascena

Bulgarian Rosa Damascena possesses a truly unique composition of more than 300 substances, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many others, some of which are found nowhere else. It is one of the most complex natural substances on Earth. Thanks to the special climate and soil it is grown in, it makes its aroma, longevity and intricacy extremely precious and desired by the most famous perfume brands in the world.

The precious Bulgarian oil-bearing Rosa Damascena has been brought to Bulgaria centuries ago from Persia and Syria and here it has found the perfect conditions to thrive. The combination of tender sun, frequent rainfalls during the Spring, nourishing soil, humid winds and cool nights, provides the unique conditions for the growth of the finest oil-bearing roses.
Now the Bulgarian Rosa Damascena essential oil is recognized as the world quality benchmark.

The Bulgarian Rose begins to blossom in mid-May and continues for three to six weeks, depending of weather conditions. The process of collecting the flowers is very gentle, as each blossom is carefully picked by hand. The harvest begins at sunrise when the oil yield is at its highest and it's completed before noon while the dew is still on the flowers. Each divine rose blossom is hand picked fresh and not fully bloomed, so it can bring the maximum quantity of the fine oil with its best qualities. The extraction process is done by water-steam distillation. 3,500-4,000 kg of fine rose petals are needed to obtain 1 kg of the precious rose oil. The rose pickers pick the rose petals in special, willow branch baskets as the willow does not soak the dew of the rose petals. Afterwards, the rose petals are put in big baskets made of willow branches again and are transported to the rose processing plant.

Rosa Damascena oil enjoys a protected designation of origin and a centuries-old tradition.


The Rose Valley is surrounded by mountains which protect it from unfavorable winds, there is a river or a spring flowing through each little village, providing enough water for the growth of Rosa Damascena.
High amounts of rain in May and June are crucial for the successful growth of the Damask Rose, with an average of 100mm per square meter of rainfall. The predominant soil in the region is cinnamon-forest soil which is always mixed with sand and rubble, with some formed alluvial soil types and subtypes created by the accumulation of river mineralization.

The winters in the Rose Valley are mild and combined with the airy soils and heavy Spring rains they form the perfect conditions for growing our dear Rosa Damascena which has an unsurpassed fragrance.

Terroma is proud to use only the highest quality Bulgarian rose oil from one of the oldest distilleries in the country. 

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